About Me

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Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
27 years old. Brisvegan.

June 19, 2009

While drunk I want to...

a) Eat a whole pizza;
b) Have sex. Lots of it (with you);
c) Text or email all of my friends telling them how shit they've been in terms of supporting me over the past little while;
d) Call my family and tell them that I'm not planning to see them or have anything to do with them over the next six months;
e) Call you and tell you exactly how I feel and what I want to do to you now and when I get to see you, in a very short amount of time.

Things I will do while I'm drunk:

a) Blog, like a pussy wimp; and
b) Go to bed.

1 comment:

  1. Well, b) and b) kind of go hand in hand. As for the rest of it, you gotta call 'em like you see 'em!
